One of the most heartbreaking things I have ever heard a woman say about her body is: “Nobody wants to see this” or “I don’t know why anyone would want to see this” while she shrugs off any notion that she is sexy, alluring, or desirable.
We want to prove otherwise!
This is why we (including my wife who is also my business co-owner, graphic designer and session assistant) have created “You” by Abanathy Photography, LLC! We want to capture your sex appeal from your head to your toes and all the sensuous parts in between! Whether it is for that special someone or just for you, let us pamper you, pose you, capture your beauty, and show you just how sexy you are!
These sessions will create one of the most unique gifts you will ever find for that special someone. And they will be an extra special treat for you too!
You need it, you deserve it and you will love it! “You” by Abanathy Photography, LLC!