Why Mamas NEED to do a Boudoir Shoot

Jennifer K. Engedal
of Lush Mama Boudoir in Eau Claire, Wisconsin is talking to all mamas – why boudoir photography is so important after babies!
You know that infomercial that is frequently made fun of, a guy trying to hold onto 20 million things to wash his car and dropping them all? It’s ridiculous. It’s messy. It’s hilarious. It’s basically motherhood in a nutshell. By the time you get done working, or staying home all day with the kids, you can barely get to eat dinner while it is still warm, let alone get any quality YOU time before you crash into bed and wake up the next day to start the cycle all over again.
As mamas we lose sight of ourselves in the mix of the family. As mamas, we neglect self-care and forget that we still have an identity outside being a mom. Beneath all the diapers, sweat, food and yoga pants, there is an amazing woman worthy of love from others, but more importantly from herself.

Below are the top 5 reasons why mamas NEED to do a boudoir shoot:
1. Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury – To give the best to our families, we need to give to ourselves. We need to take the time to enjoy an experience and be reminded of how amazing we are. Instead of a massage, or a pedicure, you get an experience that not only boosts your confidence for the time you are there, but provides you with incredible photos as proof and reminders that you are as gorgeous on the outside as you are on the inside
2. Your body is perfect the way it is – Don’t say you will do it when you lose 20lbs. We’ve all heard that our stretchmarks are beautiful, and that our bodies housed human beings. But we don’t believe it. This is important to find a photographer who fits your needs/style. If you get a good boudoir photographer, they aren’t there to hide your insecurities, they are there to amplify your assets! Trust the process, and you will be amazed with the results.
3. Spend some of your hard earned money on yourself – Seriously. How many little toys or treats have you bought for your kids in the last year? How many times have you put something back on the shelf that you wanted for yourself? Your kids will not suffer if they don’t get a toy or a juice box every time you go to the store. Challenge yourself to set aside a small amount of money each paycheck to save, and vow to only spend it on yourself! Trade the juice box for an extra story at bedtime, or the toy for cuddles. In the end, it will be a great reward for the both of you!
4. Taking care of yourself shows your kids how important self-care and mental health is – In a world where mental health is such a prominent subject, we need to set the example for our kids of taking time for ourselves. Doing things that make us happy. Loving ourselves unconditionally! Unfortunately I feel like moms are praised nowadays for the more things they juggle, instead of focusing on scaling back and being mindful of time and moments throughout the day. We need to make a change, and it starts one mama at a time!
5. You are making the world a better place – No seriously! Each woman that loves themselves more, has more love to give to others. Each mama that does a shoot and shows her friends, gives them the courage to love their bodies. Each mama who shows her gorgeous photos to her daughter, inspires her to love her body as it ages. No matter the color, shape or size.

At the end of the day, you can come up with a million reasons not to do a shoot. You can also find the light inside you that inspires you to do one. Deciding to take the jump is scary and may push you outside of your comfort zone. But I promise you, that being uncomfortable can cause growth. Start your journey of self-love, and celebrate the queen that you are!

Thank you so much for sharing this inspiration and these awesome photos, Jennifer!
Check out more of Jennifer’s work, click right here: www.lushmamaboudoir.com
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